Friday, October 2, 2009

Persuit of Perfection

Monday it begins, the unrealistic pursuit of perfection. The proverbial hamster on the wheel.
Exercise Mon-Friday without fail.
Drink more water, eat 5-6 small healthy meals each day.
Read my Bible and pray.
Spend time with my spouse in romantic mode not grouchy wife mode.
Spend uninterrupted quality time with my precious child without I-phone.
Deal with the continual maintenance issues of grooming which include but are not limited to hair, nails, waxing and facials.
Buy and prepare organic healthy meals for my deserving family.
At work call on all my clients. Create a brilliant marketing plan to launch the next project which will be more successful than those in the past resulting it great revenue for the company.
Call my extended family and friends.
Walk the dogs.
Then there is laundry,cleaning,and...
OK I am done complaining. Life is good..there is just not enough time in the day to do it all.
If you can relate please comment.


  1. Yes, I can relate. But when my plate gets that full, I empty it and pile on some dessert instead, and then try it another day.

    Where was your me-time on that list? Like indulging in a book, or lunch with some friends. I know - easier said than done. :)

    At 51, I have given up on perfection.

  2. Thanks Anita...I need to let myself off the hook and have some free time!

  3. It is our perpetual dilemma to find balance. I always feel I'm sacrificing one priority for the other. The truth behind it all is that our children come first--but we need to remind ourselves that creating a happy environment means that we should also be happy.
    Keep up the important messages. I really know how hard it is to find time to write. Angel.
